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Environmental ‘Green’ Policy

Caspian One is committed to integrating environmentally aware best practices into all of our business activities… recognising and accepting that we have an obligation to reduce our impact and carbon footprint. We will achieve this through a policy of continual improvement and environment-focused objectives.

Our team are constantly looking for new ways to improve our ‘green’ behaviours. For example, migrating to remote/office working in 2021 has greatly reduced the number of employees commuting daily - and has encouraged staff to cycle, use public transport or change to hybrid and electric company cars. Less time in office has also positively reduced our waste output and energy consumption.


In alignment with our environmental policy, Caspian One will:

  • adopt best practices and assist, where possible, in developing innovative solutions to the environmental issues facing our sector.

  • conduct activities in full knowledge of, and compliance with, the requirements of applicable environmental legislation and Approved Codes of Practice.

  • assess the environmental impact of all past, current and likely future operations, and fully integrate environmental considerations and objectives into business decisions.

  • minimise consumption of natural resources, including energy, water and raw materials, as far as economically practicable.

  • prevent pollution and minimise emissions.

  • reduce the production of waste and develop effective waste management and recycling procedures, as well as disposing of unavoidable waste in such a way as to minimise its environmental impact.

  • develop and implement integrated logistics policies and encourage the use of environmentally friendly means of transport by staff.

  • establish environmental objectives and targets, and measure performance against these targets.

  • raise awareness amongst members of staff through appropriate education and training, encouraging them to become more environmentally responsible.

  • encourage awareness of, and commitment to, improved environmental performance amongst suppliers and customers.

  • work within the local community and with others, to consider their environmental concerns and develop and pursue environmental initiatives.

  • communicate this policy to members of staff, and consult with them to ensure that they take an active role in its implementation and review;

  • and monitor/review its environmental performance and publish and communicate this performance to staff and other concerned parties.


Each employee is responsible for his/her adherence to the principles of this policy. The contents of this policy and the way in which it is being implemented will be reviewed regularly.

For more information contact business.support@caspianone.com